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<img src="https://cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/220310164235-01-mariupol-destruction-0310-super-tease.jpg"> March 11, 2022 Russia-Ukraine newsCNN plsHelpUkraine04202207
Russia-Ukraine war: In Chinese media, the US is the villain - Al Jazeera English
(Davidexory, 7. 4. 2022 20:25)<img src="https://www.aljazeera.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/000_323T7CE.jpg?resize=1200%2C630"> Russia-Ukraine war: In Chinese media, the US is the villainAl Jazeera English plsHelpUkraine04202207
What Happened on Day 37 of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine - The New York Times
(Davidexory, 7. 4. 2022 19:15)<img src="https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/04/01/world/01ukraine-blog-promo-11p/01ukraine-blog-header-1030p-facebookJumbo.jpg"> What Happened on Day 37 of Russia’s Invasion of UkraineThe New York Times plsHelpUkraine04202207
Russia-Ukraine war: In Chinese media, the US is the villain - Al Jazeera English
(Davidexory, 7. 4. 2022 18:07)<img src="https://www.aljazeera.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/000_323T7CE.jpg?resize=1200%2C630"> Russia-Ukraine war: In Chinese media, the US is the villainAl Jazeera English plsHelpUkraine04202207
(Brentcig, 7. 4. 2022 17:54)
Ukraine War Reverberates in Europe’s Factories and Warehouses - The New York Times
(Davidexory, 7. 4. 2022 16:52)<img src="https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/04/03/business/00eurobiz-1/00eurobiz-1-facebookJumbo.jpg"> Ukraine War Reverberates in Europe’s Factories and WarehousesThe New York Times plsHelpUkraine04202207
Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine: G7 foreign ministers' statement, 7 April 2022 - GOV.UK
(Davidexory, 7. 4. 2022 15:46)<img src="https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/image_data/file/147354/s960_G7_Foreign_Ministers_Brussels_Apr_2022.jpg"> Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine: G7 foreign ministers' statement, 7 April 2022GOV.UK plsHelpUkraine04202207
How Facial Recognition Is Being Used in the Ukraine War - The New York Times
(Davidexory, 7. 4. 2022 15:16)<img src="https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/04/05/business/00facerec-01/00facerec-01-facebookJumbo.jpg"> How Facial Recognition Is Being Used in the Ukraine WarThe New York Times plsHelpUkraine04202207
In Thailand, the war in Ukraine divides the generations - The Guardian
(Davidexory, 7. 4. 2022 14:44)<img src="https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/139d6f1115840a4624c5ef505d49b530b6f8df51/0_73_3250_1950/master/3250.jpg?width=1200&height=630&quality=85&auto=format&fit=crop&overlay-align=bottom%2Cleft&overlay-width=100p&overlay-base64=L2ltZy9zdGF0aWMvb3ZlcmxheXMvdGctZGVmYXVsdC5wbmc&enable=upscale&s=e1f390c927b19b2364ff73b893229cb8"> In Thailand, the war in Ukraine divides the generationsThe Guardian plsHelpUkraine04202207
Ukraine to press West for full energy embargo on Russia - Reuters
(Davidexory, 7. 4. 2022 14:00)<img src="https://www.reuters.com/resizer/aZ2F8HdunI03smsbfE1tqoZVrCY=/1200x628/smart/filters:quality(80)/cloudfront-us-east-2.images.arcpublishing.com/reuters/G2DOKPDGCVPLZBV6USDZ7KN3UU.jpg"> Ukraine to press West for full energy embargo on RussiaReuters plsHelpUkraine04202207
Russia's war with Ukraine made it a global pariah — but it still has friends in Mexico - CBC News
(Davidexory, 7. 4. 2022 13:32)<img src="https://i.cbc.ca/1.6409664.1649201463!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_620/mexico-felipe-angeles-airport.jpg"> Russia's war with Ukraine made it a global pariah — but it still has friends in MexicoCBC News plsHelpUkraine04202207
Russia-Ukraine updates: Here's what happened March 6 - The Globe and Mail
(Davidexory, 7. 4. 2022 12:37)<img src="https://www.theglobeandmail.com/resizer/vDcvjjiiqPte10Uandw0NvWUisw=/1200x800/filters:quality(80)/cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/tgam/GSRHJYS3DNNSFORGTWMNYT2C7E.JPG"> Russia-Ukraine updates: Here's what happened March 6The Globe and Mail plsHelpUkraine04202207
West won't stop at destroying Russia; India will be next: Donetsk representative on Russia-Ukraine war - India Today
(Davidexory, 7. 4. 2022 12:03)<img src="https://akm-img-a-in.tosshub.com/indiatoday/images/story/202204/Ukraine_soldier-647x363.jpeg?ebMjZLGStkJcat6tDnQiT07RQC_dLdQw"> West won't stop at destroying Russia; India will be next: Donetsk representative on Russia-Ukraine warIndia Today plsHelpUkraine04202207
Pentagon says Ukraine can 'absolutely' win the war - Reuters
(Davidexory, 7. 4. 2022 8:44)<img src="https://www.reuters.com/resizer/7ivFF3GM0Bos5DcbrGUNpTPMkvE=/1200x628/smart/filters:quality(80)/cloudfront-us-east-2.images.arcpublishing.com/reuters/HLFLNO2HQBPG3PDEWRGVVXZZQA.jpg"> Pentagon says Ukraine can 'absolutely' win the warReuters plsHelpUkraine04202207
NATO must prepare for вЂlong haul’ in Ukraine, Stoltenberg says - POLITICO Europe
(Davidexory, 7. 4. 2022 7:18)<img src="https://www.politico.eu/cdn-cgi/image/width=1200,height=630,fit=crop,quality=80,onerror=redirect/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/06/GettyImages-1239761055-scaled.jpg"> NATO must prepare for вЂlong haul’ in Ukraine, Stoltenberg saysPOLITICO Europe plsHelpUkraine04202207
Выполню любую работу в фотошопе | I Сan do any work in photoshop
(CharlesHek, 7. 4. 2022 6:53)
Всем доброго дня. Извините если не в ту тему, перенесите по возможности.
Предлагаю любые работы в фотошоп.
Ретушь фотографий
Удаление родинок, татуировок и других дефектов на коже
Пластика фигуры и лица, увеличение/уменьшение объёмов
Коллажирование из нескольких фотографий
Обтравка и замена фона с максимальной реалистичностью
Обтравка предметов на любой фоновый цвет
Обтравка с удалением фона (PNG)
Изменение цвета любых деталей на фото
Добавление/Удаление нежелательных объектов
Добавление/Удаление водяных знаков
Реставрация старых фотографий
Создание экшнов для пакетной обработки
Инфографика для маркетплейсов
Любые баннеры, листовки и т. д.
Обращаться в телеграмм Dizaynmaks
Ознакомится с портфолио можно в группе VK https://vk.com/kabanova_ps
Всем мира и добра.
Good day everyone. Sorry if this is in the wrong topic, move it if possible.
I offer any work in Photoshop.
Color correction
Photo retouching
Removal of moles, tattoos and other skin defects
Plastic surgery of the figure and face, increase / decrease in volumes
Collage of multiple photos
Clipping and replacing the background with maximum realism
Clip items to any background color
Clipping with background removal (PNG)
Change the color of any details in the photo
Add/Remove Unwanted Objects
Add/Remove Watermarks
Restoration of old photographs
Creating actions for batch processing
Infographics for marketplaces
Any banners, flyers, etc.
Contact Dizaynmaks telegram
You can get acquainted with the portfolio in the VK group https://vk.com/kabanova_ps
All peace and goodness.
Putin appears at big rally as troops press attack in Ukraine - The Associated Press - en EspaГ±ol
(Davidexory, 7. 4. 2022 6:04)<img src="https://storage.googleapis.com/afs-prod/media/689a332477394a66a9de18e686b65610/3000.jpeg"> Putin appears at big rally as troops press attack in UkraineThe Associated Press - en EspaГ±ol plsHelpUkraine04202207
Don’t Let Putin Win in Ukraine - The Wall Street Journal
(Davidexory, 7. 4. 2022 4:44)<img src="https://images.wsj.net/im-519597/social"> Don’t Let Putin Win in UkraineThe Wall Street Journal plsHelpUkraine04202207
China could face sanctions if it supports Russia’s war in Ukraine, U.S. says - Global News
(Davidexory, 7. 4. 2022 3:39)<img src="https://globalnews.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/ChinaRussia.jpg?quality=85&strip=all&w=720&h=379&crop=1"> China could face sanctions if it supports Russia’s war in Ukraine, U.S. saysGlobal News plsHelpUkraine04202207
March 16, 2022 Russia-Ukraine news - CNN
(Davidexory, 7. 4. 2022 2:31)<img src="https://cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/220316094009-11-zelensky-us-congress-address-0316-super-tease.jpg"> March 16, 2022 Russia-Ukraine newsCNN plsHelpUkraine04202207
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March 11, 2022 Russia-Ukraine news - CNN
(Davidexory, 7. 4. 2022 21:36)